To the 2018 with Yokomo YD-2S Plus!!
Hello again! A new chassis announcement! I had that small voice in my head for some time, whispering me to come and join a dark side of Yokomo.
After trying a drift competition for the first time, I had realized I would need a more capable machine to move up on the ladder, so I waited no more and purchased this beauty!
The build begins. So far so good.
I was absolutely amazed with the quality of all parts.
Everything is well thought and solid with no flex or slop.
The build is very easy and quick. It really shows up, how much effort goes to design and quality control of Yokomo products.
After Sakura, hands down the overall experience is a night and day difference.
I pulled out those +11 MST wheels to fit the upcomming MX-5 body.
From the Sakura, I have a really good experience with this mod. Drilling an extra holes to the shock piston to make the rear shocks even quicker.
And filling with a 150 shock oil.
Electronics are mounted, so I am finally ready to test the beast.
I am really hyped to see how different it will be to the Sakura, especially because those two chassis are actually on the same price level.
Although Sakura is full aluminum now, after seeing the Yokomo quality, I believe it will be quite a close competition.
The reason I chose the YD-2 is, however, that the Sakura has already cost me too much and it would be really hard and expensive to push it to the competition level I am hoping to enter in 2018.
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